The only good thing about being 43 is that i have a pretty good idea of who i am and the things i like to spend my time doing and while they haven’t made me millions, i have written a tons of books, done albums, made weird art and videos and want to spend the next 20 years, my 45-65 remarried to a hot girl who likes cosplay and making and writing.
Here you will find all of my stuff. Books, music, art and more. if you can do me a favor and buy something or watch my youtube or give me an amazon review. I know what i do is pretty niche and only a few people will like it but if i can make $1k a month i don’t have to work doing anything else.
i’m a christian and some of the stuff i write is not geared to my friends at church and things, i write both religous and non in fantasy, i write about guardian angels but have them as a lot more active than i believe they are. I actually do believe in angels and demons, but i only talk about it in books and art, sorry if that’s too much but that’s me.
julius schenk: christian, clean, no sex, no swearing, some extreme fantasy
eric lensher: some sex, minor swearing, romance, dark fantasy